20 Effective Ways to Reduce Hair Loss in Men

This original article was first published here: 20 Effective Ways to Reduce Hair Loss in Men

Hair loss is inevitable for men, and there are multiple reasons for it. Here’s how you can reduce hair loss in men for fuller locks!

A receding hairline is a common problem men face. Hair loss isn’t pleasant. Unfortunately, you can lose hair for a multitude of reasons, including a poor diet or mineral deficiency. Genetics, stress, and pollution are other common contributors. Also, as you get older it becomes impossible to limit hair loss at a certain age.

This question plagues the mind of many men, especially the vain ones. Don’t worry, though. If your hair is thinner than before, you’re not the only one. Baldness affects most men at some stage in their life, some sooner than others.

In other instances, certain skin conditions lead to hair loss. Let’s dig a little deeper.

What Causes Men to Go Bald?

Most men go bald due to hereditary conditions. Male pattern baldness is known as androgenetic alopecia. This trait leads to a receding hairline and thinning crown.

So how does this take place?

The changes take place due to testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormonal byproduct causes hair follicles to shrink. As these follicles become more diminutive, their life span decreases.

These follicles eventually stop producing hair. Once this happens, you’ll start noticing two things.

  1. Your hair starts to thin around your temples. You might even experience that “horseshoe” pattern of hair around the sides of your head.
  2. Your hair begins to recede, pushing your hairline even farther toward the back.

When Do Men Start Losing Hair?

If your problem is hereditary, you’ll likely start losing hair by the age of 21. By the time you’re 35, you’ll probably experience some degree of hair loss. Most men do. And by the age of 50, almost all men have significantly thinning hair. However, using hair growth products may help delay the loss of hair to a certain extent. People have claimed to see a noticeable decrease in hair loss after testing the results of Folexin before and after.

Causes of Hair Loss in Men

Male pattern balding isn’t the only reason for hair loss. There are so many things that can trigger this change. If something else is causing your hair loss, there will be other symptoms to be worried about too.

In other cases, the hair loss pattern isn’t predictable. It can happen all over your head. Or it can happen in a few spots and patches. Male pattern baldness at least tells you what to expect.

The following conditions can lead to multiple degrees of hair loss. Some are salvageable; others are unfortunately permanent changes.

  1. Alopecia areata is a condition that causes your body’s immune system to attack healthy hair follicles. As a result, you’ll face increased hair loss.

The hair on your head falls out in tiny patches. Sadly, this may affect other parts of your body too. You may notice a bald spot in your beard or eyebrows.

  1. A shock to your system can also cause hair loss. This condition is called telogen effluvium, and it leads to excessive shedding over two or three months. You need the right hair loss remedies to tackle it.

This hair loss is triggered by a shock in your system. It can be caused by accidents, surgeries, sudden weight loss, and more. Thankfully, the hair usually grows back in a few months.

  1. Nutritional deficiencies such as lack of iron and other ingredients can lead to hair loss. Of course, not having optimal levels of these nutrients will impact our overall health.

It’s important to have an adequate intake of vitamins to maintain a healthy diet. These deficiencies will cause you to lose more hair than normal. No one wants that!

20 Ways to Reduce Hair Loss in Men

No one can escape the effects of time. However, you can try to safeguard your hair against it. Let’s look at some of the most effective ways to reduce hair loss in men.

1. Address Dietary Deficiencies

As mentioned earlier, nutritional deficiencies are a major cause of hair loss. Low levels of iron, vitamins, or protein will cause your hair to weaken. You can treat this over time. However, if you don’t address this issue immediately, you’ll lose hair faster.

Moreover, vitamins are crucial for your overall well-being. Vitamin A leads to more production of sebum in the scalp while vitamin E offers better blood circulation. The combination of the two strengthens your hair follicles.  Finally, vitamin B helps retain the natural hair colour.

healthy diet good for you

2. Take Care of Yourself

Telogen effluvium is a temporary hair loss condition seen in men and women alike. Again, it’s reversible. It’s typically seen after emotional stress or trauma. You need to bring yourself back to a healthy state to see your hair growing again.

In this instance, you can use certain supplements for hair growth. Products like Folexin and Nutrafol are great choices for hair growth. Folexin works better if you’ve recently started losing hair.

3. Minimize Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol hinders hair growth. If you’re consuming supplements, reducing alcohol intake is a must.

stop drinking

4. Say No to Smoking

Smoking decreases the amount of blood that flows into your scalp, which reduces natural hair growth.

5. Maintain a Balanced Diet

You must maintain a healthy diet rich in proteins and vitamins for strong hair. Learn to eat lean meat, fish, or soy regularly to strengthen your hair. It also curbs hair loss.

Consume foods rich in vitamin A. For example, incorporate sweet potatoes or spinach into your diet. Vitamin A contains retinoids, which accelerate hair growth. It also keeps the scalp healthy!

6. Get Appropriate Medication

Only seek FDA-approved medicine for application. For example, Rogaine is a common medicine for curing male pattern baldness. 

7. Don’t Brush Damp Hair

Your hair is weak when it’s damp. So try to avoid brushing wet hair. You also shouldn’t brush your hair too frequently. It makes your hair susceptible to breakage. Use your fingers to undo tangles and knots.

8. Relax

Stress is closely linked with hair loss. So don’t stress it. Do meditations and yoga to not only relax but also restore hormonal balance. 

9. Enrich Your Meals with Biotin

Vitamin H, or biotin, converts food into energy. Studies claim biotin-rich meals slow hair loss. Foods include nuts, eggs, oats, sweet potatoes, and more.

10. Stay Hydrated

Your hair shaft is one-fourth water. So you need to drink at least five glasses of water each day.

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11. Avoid Using Hair Tools

Your hair shouldn’t be exposed to constant heating. Heat weakens your hair and gets rid of all the essential oils. If your hair is fragile, you’ll be prone to losing it more frequently.

12. Colour Your Hair Carefully

You shouldn’t colour your hair frequently. Chemical treatments like hair colour can weaken the hair shaft.

13. Keep Your Scalp Sweat-Free

Men with oily hair can experience excessive dandruff during summer. It’s important to use the right kind of shampoo to balance your scalp pH. You’ll face a reduced risk of infections too.

If you wear helmets, you should know how much sweat accumulates in your pores while riding your bike. This action weakens your roots, and as a result, causes hair loss. Wear a scarf or headband while travelling to prevent hair loss. 

14. Go Easy on Your Hair

Wearing turbans or skull caps regularly can affect your hair strength. Certain hairstyles like ponytails or braids do too. These styles constantly tug your hair follicles and can cause localized baldness. 

15. Exercise

Engage in regular physical activity every day. This not only keeps your body in shape but also balances your hormone and stress levels. 

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16. Address Thyroid Issues

An overactive thyroid gland can lead to unexpected hair loss. You should always identify and address these issues on time to safeguard your hair. 

17. Treat Itchy Scalps Timely

A sweaty scalp can lead to fungal infections or lice. Nobody wants that! Treat an itchy scalp right away and reduce irritation.

18. Keep Your Sugar Levels in Check

Diabetes and increased sugar levels can lead to infections in your hair follicles. As a result, always keep your sugar levels in check. 

19. Massage Your Hair Gently

Regularly massaging your hair increases blood circulation. You know what that means! Massages help you stay relaxed and encourage hair growth. 

20. Use Essential Oils

Men who face hair loss should massage their scalp with essential oils. Even a few minutes can do wonders. It helps keep your hair follicles strong and healthy. Leave it on overnight and wash it out the next day for the best results.

Coconut oil is your saving grace. It prevents hair damage from constant grooming and ultraviolet light exposure. The lauric acid in coconut oil binds a protein in hair and prevents it from breaking.

Olive oil conditions your hair too. This oil prevents your hair from drying out and breaking. It also slows down genetic hair loss. Apply it to your hair and let it sit for 30 minutes only. You can wash it out right afterwards. 

Final Thoughts

Male pattern baldness is unfortunately inevitable. It’s difficult to reverse hair loss, but it’s not impossible. Do regular scalp massages to stimulate hair growth and curb hair loss. Meditate, exercise, and do yoga to manage stress. Speak to a dermatologist for added measure. An expert will help you figure out the options which are best for you!

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